Does Hypnosis work to lose weight?

Does Hypnosis work to lose weight? Is hypnotherapy a good investment? The answer is yes and no. Let me explain

Should a hypnotherapist understand nutrition to create a more successful outcome? In my opinion, they should. But it is also my belief that they should have a good understanding of any therapy they are facilitating. Hypnosis is not a panacea, as medications are not to a physician. In fact, many medications mask the original problems and cause additional side effects.

A hypnotherapist prescribes words, however, unless they understand the power of those words, then most long-term therapy will not work. Especially so for weight management/weight loss.

With most hypnotically talented clients, you will get favorable short-term results. Yet, as with ANY hypnotherapy, long-term results will have greater success if your vocabulary is precise and relevant.

You would think if we could put a man on the moon that we would be able to figure out this ‘nutrition thing.’

Our governments are aware of the health issues caused by poor nutrition AND have the power to make changes. Consider the huge amounts of profit made from the fast food and sugar industry via investment as well as sales. Their lobby in Congress is powerful.

Another great benefactor of our rampant obesity is the Pharmaceutical companies. The pharma industry makes billions on statins and blood pressure medications… conditions, especially obesity, that poor nutrition causes. Piggybacking them is the diet industry, which in the USA market is estimated at $71 billion. That is a lot of money being made to confuse us into thinking we have no control over our lives!!!!!!!

As a hypnotherapist, we are in a unique situation to make a profound difference, but generic hypnotic weight loss dialogue is only going to take your client so far. I still hear the word fat consumption being used in a negative context… when taking in healthy fat is ESSENTIAL for a healthy lifestyle.

I do not have a degree in nutrition, but I have extensive knowledge in health education, a subject that I taught at University/College.

If somebody approaches me to discuss a specific way of eating, I feel prepared to alter my dialogue to accommodate their needs. I am blessed to have a wife who is a Nurse Practitioner with specialised knowledge of nutrition.

If I feel stuck with anything then this is my go-to person. 

Weight loss/management can be a complex problem especially if medications are involved. If you are unsure about a nutritional situation, you can refer out, or work in a partnership with a health care professional.

We all have individual constitutions and lifestyle circumstances, so it would only make sense that every hypnotherapy dialogue would be different.
Glycemic index for 60 plus foods

U.S. obesity as delayed effect of excess sugar
Obesity and overweight-World Health Organisation. While many population health studies have invoked sugar as a major casual factor in the obesity epidemic, few have explicitly explored the temporal delay between increased sugar consumption and rising obesity rates.

Obesity and overweight
Obesity and overweight-World Health Organisation.
In 2019, an estimated 38.2 million children under the age of 5 years were overweight or obese